The purpose of Liberty Alliance of San Mateo County is to continue and build upon the momentum generated during the Ron Paul for President 2012 campaign. Ron Paul's message is that the federal government should return to following the United States Constitution according to the original intent of the founding fathers. The constitution provides the road map to preventing tyranny, protecting individual rights, limiting the powers of government and freeing the private sector, restricting wars to purely defensive purposes, and so on.
We urge all residents of San Mateo County to join our meetup group at http://www.meetup.com/LibertyAllianceOfSanMateoCounty/ and by checking back here periodically to become informed and contribute to the blog.
Thank you for visiting Liberty Alliance of San Mateo County.
Ari Goldberg
Alexa Abrishamian
We urge all residents of San Mateo County to join our meetup group at http://www.meetup.com/LibertyAllianceOfSanMateoCounty/ and by checking back here periodically to become informed and contribute to the blog.
Thank you for visiting Liberty Alliance of San Mateo County.
Ari Goldberg
Alexa Abrishamian